To become immortal - an undertaking that is almost as old as mankind itself. The search for the one elixir that makes us invulnerable, gives us eternal youth and through which we can escape our earthly limitations runs right through history. From the Alchemist's Magnum opus, it took us to today's nanotechnological innovations that try to outsource the human brain to computers. We have come closer to our goal of eternal life at breakneck speed in recent years; how far is it still to the Philosopher's Stone?

In the D3 - Dance Discovers Digital project, the Dutch choreographer Nanine Linning dedicates herself to a topic that could not be more topical in times of pandemic. Together with an interdisciplinary team, she develops to Brahms ‚Ein Deutsches Requiem’ a dance evening in which she allows intense physicality and fascinating virtuality to collide. Digital technologies challenge the expressive possibilities of dance as one of the oldest art forms and create a new, sensual theater experience.

"Set in motion and accompanied by music and dance, a total work of art has emerged that evokes strong emotions- which captivated the audience mercilessly.” Die Glocke

"Anima Obscura" is a fantastic and beautiful, but also disturbing piece, which continues to captivate you with steady tension. But also with the perfect interaction of dance and video animation, music and light as well as stage design and costumes. Thanks to the noticeable incorporation of all art diciplines, such a total work of art arises, for which the audience thanked the performers with a standing ovation." Westfalen Blatt 


Concept, Regie and Choreography: Nanine Linning

Video scenography:Claudia Rohrmoser

Artistic collaboration concept development: Peggy Olislaegers, Kyle Patrick, Tido Visser, Jappe Groenendijk

Music: Johannes Brahms „Ein Deutsches Requiem”, Yannis Kyriakides „Ein Schemen”

Costumes: Irina Shaposhnikova

Light: Thomas C. Hase

Stage: Nanine Linning, Christa Beland

Dramaturgie: Peggy Olislaegers, Janett Metzger

Choreographic Assistence: Kyle Patrick, Sarah Deltenre

Music advice: Tido Visser

Philosopher: Jappe Groenendijk

Computer graphics and Simulation: Philipp Hartmann

Digital Animation and Postproduction: Marcel Schobel

Camera: Krischan Rudolph

Graphics and Video assistence: Lena Schäfferling

Camera and Video-Regie assistence: Pascal Mächtlen

Co-ordination D³ – Dance Discovers Digital: Janett Metzger

A Theater Bielefeld / Tanz Bielefeld production 

With the friendly support of the Ministry of Culture and Science of the Nordrhein-Westfalen Province in collaboration with the NRW Secretary of Culture

Premiere: October 23rd, 2021, Bielefeld, Germany

Duration: 1 hour and 40 minutes without intermission

Photographer: Jubal Battisti